Benefits Buzz
Defining the Future
Just like a certain beloved movie from the ‘80s that used a DeLorean to take us to the future, we now have a vehicle that can be used today, in 2014 and well beyond – defined contribution health benefits.
Health insurance producers and consultants should educate their clients on the defined contribution benefits strategy now because this trend is not going away anytime soon. In fact, nearly 50% of employers “definitely or probably will” switch to defined contribution in 2013.
Why? Employers can use a defined contribution strategy to control healthcare costs and give their employees multi-carrier insurance options using these simple plans through a private exchange today!
Flexible Benefit Service LLC (Flex) operates and offers the InsureXSolutions™ private insurance exchange, which uses employer-sponsored defined contribution plans. Best of all, it offers commissions to producers who actively sell the InsureXSolutions program.
The wait-and-see approach is a thing of the past, seize your competitive edge by staying on top of this trend now. Having a hard time keeping up with the Joneses, Obamas, and Sebeliuses? Flex will keep you compliant. And if you would you like to learn more about these products: click here to sign up for our newsletters, or visit Throughout the year we offer webinars and seminars that can teach you how to structure these solutions for your clients. Knowledge is power and in this case it is the power of choice. You will be able to choose the best offerings for your client and they will continue to choose you for guidance.
So, why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here…go define your future today!