Benefits Buzz

Posted October 14th, 2015 in Producers, Employers

The 2016 Medicare Part D annual enrollment period will begin on October 15, 2015 and run through December 7, 2015. Medicare beneficiaries can enroll in a Part D drug plan or make changes to existing coverage during this time period. Enrollment can be done through a stand-alone drug plan or a Medicare Advantage plan that integrates coverage for medical and drug expenses.      

Posted October 8th, 2015 in Employers, Producers, Individuals

The open enrollment period (OEP) in the individual market will begin on November 1, 2015 and end on January 31, 2016.

During this time period, just about anyone can enroll or make plan changes to coverage in the individual market.

Here are some helpful reminders as the OEP approaches:

Who is eligible for a subsidy?

There are a number of factors that affect eligibility or can disqualify an individual for a subsidy, such as:

Posted October 7th, 2015 in Producers, Employers, Individuals

On October 1, 2015, the medical industry launched ICD-10 in the U.S.  ICD-10, which stands for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, is a medical classification system adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Simply put, it’s an international coding system that requires physicians, hospitals and other medical providers to assign a unique number for every patient disease, diagnosis, abnormal finding, cause of injury, etc.

Posted August 31st, 2015 in Producers, Employers
The statutory limit for Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections is expected to remain unchanged in 2016. The salary reduction limit was capped at $2,500 in 2013 as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and is subject to inflationary adjustments. In 2015, the limit was increased to $2,550. However, due to a recent government report issued by the U.S.
Posted August 14th, 2015 in Producers, Employers
It appears that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is having some trouble with formulating guidance as it relates to the Excise Tax on High Cost Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage, also known as the Cadillac Tax. Earlier this year the IRS released Notice 2015-16 which sought public comment on the types of coverage that should (or shouldn’t) be included when calculating the value of coverage.  



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