
Posted June 22nd, 2023 in Employers, Producers

The use of telehealth (sometimes called telemedicine or virtual care) has expanded dramatically over the past few years. Telehealth generally involves connecting with a physician or medical provider by phone, internet, or a combination thereof for primary care, mental health, second opinions, or other medical reasons. It has become a faster and more convenient way to receive medical care.

Posted December 21st, 2022 in

Many telemedicine programs disqualify a person from making contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA). Generally, telemedicine programs that have a $0 copay or low dollar copay will eliminate HSA eligibility. Typically, a telemedicine program must apply the full cost of the virtual visit to the deductible, or it can only cover limited benefits (e.g., preventive-only services, dental-only services) to preserve HSA eligibility.

Posted June 7th, 2016 in Producers, Employers, Individuals
Telemedicine can generally be defined as a way to provide a broad range of health-related services by phone or through an online platform. Several employers and insurance carriers offer telemedicine services in conjunction with their health plan(s) as a way to provide a cheaper alternative of diagnosing and treating common illnesses, such as the cold or flu. 

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